HKD Interest Settlement Rates Disclaimer HKAB makes no warranties representations or undertakings expressed or implied by law or otherwise in relation to HKD Interest Settlement Rates and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or losses caused by disruptions in the service late publication or inaccuracy of the rates or otherwise arising from the use of or reliance on the rates

Hong Kong Interbank Interest Rates Daily figures

Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate Table Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate Table 過往的香港銀行同業拆息HIBOR

Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rates HIBOR refer to the middle closing rates quoted by the Standard Chartered Bank in the interbank money market 2 Reporting discontinued since 1 January 2013 FootNotesHONIA 1 The Treasury Markets Association TMA is the source and owner of Hong Kong Dollar HKD Overnight Index Average HONIA with effect

HKAB HKD Interest Settlement Rates

香港銀行同業拆息 按揭 香港滙豐 HSBC Hong Kong

HKD HIBOR Hong Kong Market Collection MacroMicro

2024 The Hong Kong Association of Banks All rights reserved TOP

Hibor Rate Chart

HIBOR Rate Mortgage HSBC HK

HIBOR Hang Seng Bank

Hong Kong SAR China Interbank Offered Rates CEIC Data

Find out the HSBCs 2023 Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate HIBOR for the interest period of 1 month for Hong Kong Dollars New safety measure for Android device Beware of apps from sources other than your phones official app stores which may contain malware From 26 Feb 2024 new safety measure in the Android version of the HSBC HK App

Hang Seng Banks Interbank Offered Rates

HKD Interest Settlement Rates commonly known as Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rates HIBOR is the rate at which banks and financial institutions lend and borrow between one another within the Hong Kong market HIBOR is affected by capital inflowoutflow and can be used to assess liquidity level in the market Rising HIBOR suggests tightened market liquidity

Hibor Rate Chart

Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate HIBOR as at any date means the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate for the interest period of 1 month for Hong Kong Dollars quoted by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited at or about 1100 am Hong Kong time on such date This HIBOR quoted by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Hong Kong Three Month Interbank Rate TRADING ECONOMICS

HKAB HKD Interest Settlement Rates

Interest Settlement Rate HIBOR Fixing 12 Months data was reported at 2683 pa in Oct 2018 This records a decrease from the previous number of 2692 pa for Sep 2018 Interest Settlement Rate HIBOR Fixing 12 Months data is updated monthly averaging 1723 pa from Jul 1996 Median to Oct 2018 with 268 observations

Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate HIBOR 2023 HSBC HK

Interbank Rate in Hong Kong increased to 438 percent on Thursday December 12 from 436 in the previous day Interbank Rate in Hong Kong averaged 215 percent from 1982 until 2024 reaching an all time high of 1556 percent in September of 1983 and a record low of 007 percent in December of 2003 source Hong Kong Association of Banks